Destination AI: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (OpenClassrooms)

Destination AI: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (OpenClassrooms)
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Destination AI: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (OpenClassrooms)
Let me ask you a question: when was the last time you heard the term "artificial intelligence" or "AI"? Perhaps it was this morning on the radio? Yesterday, in the news? Last week, on your favorite podcast? I don't know about you, but I seem to be hearing about artificial intelligence everywhere I go! It's certainly exciting, but with so much information out there, it can feel a little overwhelming too, don't you think? What does AI really mean? How does it affect my life? What are its advantages and risks? Have you asked yourself these questions too? Well, look no further! This course will cover the basics of artificial intelligence.

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In Part 1, you will get a sense of what AI really is (and what it's not!). In Part 2, you will explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the workplace and on society as a whole. Finally, in Part 3, you will go behind the scenes of an artificial intelligence project and get familiar with concepts like deep learning and machine learning.

Along the way, you will be hearing directly from some of the most influential leaders in AI today. They will be answering questions about where AI is today and where it's going in the future.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

- Construct a definition of artificial intelligence.

- Discover the societal impact of artificial intelligence.

- Describe the inner workings of an AI engineering project.

This course is for anyone who wants to know what artificial intelligence is, understand how it works, and learn more about it. There are no prerequisites.

Course Description:

Part #1 - Construct a Definition of Artificial Intelligence

1. Identify Common Applications of Artificial Intelligence

2. Familiarize Yourself With Key Concepts Associated with AI

3. See Beyond the Myths: Discover the True Power of AI

Quiz: Construct a Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Part #2 - Discover the Societal Impact of Artificial Intelligence

1. The Opportunities Offered by Artificial Intelligence

2. The Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

3. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

Quiz: Discover the Societal Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Part #3 - Describe the Inner Workings of an Artificial Intelligence Project

1. Identify the Different Stages of an Artificial Intelligence Project

2. Discover The Fundamentals of Machine Learning

3. Discover the Fundamentals of Deep Learning

Quiz: Describe the Inner Workings of an Artificial Intelligence Project

Part #4 - You've Reached the End!

1. Take it Further: Learn More About Artificial Intelligence

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