Deafness in the 21st Century (Coursera)

Deafness in the 21st Century (Coursera)
Free Course
The course is suitable for professionals working in a range of settings internationally such as medics, health care workers, teachers, charity workers, NGOs as well as many other groups of people.
Deafness in the 21st Century (Coursera)
If you want to know more about deafness in low and middle income countries this MOOC is for you. It is primarily aimed at those working as health or education professionals, government officials, support workers, NGOs and anyone with a family or personal interest in deafness. It aims to improve knowledge and understanding of this topic.

Communication is central to human experience. For those who are born deaf this is the area most at risk. Unless you have personal experience of deafness in your work or a family member who is deaf you may never have thought about this topic. As deafness is invisible the 350 million individuals worldwide who are deaf, half of this is preventable, are at the fringe of many societies.

This short course will allow you to consider health, social and societal issues in relation to deafness. You will understand how the hearing system works and what can go wrong, particular challenges in low and middle income countries, about screening and diagnostic services, amplification including solar powered aids, challenges to inter-personal communication, sign language and positive stories about what deaf individual can and do achieve. This will challenge stereotypes and promote a positive message about deafness in the 21st century.

Free Course
The course is suitable for professionals working in a range of settings internationally such as medics, health care workers, teachers, charity workers, NGOs as well as many other groups of people.