Beginners Guide to Test Driven Development (Eduonix)

Beginners Guide to Test Driven Development (Eduonix)
Free Course
Basic knowledge of any programming language is required to use the concepts taught in the courseBasic knowledge of Rails will be helpful

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Beginners Guide to Test Driven Development (Eduonix)
Enhance your testing skills with our beginner course on test driven development from scratch. Programmers are often vary of pushing through new code, because it most often than not results in bugs or breaks in the already mentioned code. More time is then wasted, trying to pin point exactly where the issue arose and what you can do to solve it.

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Well, one simple solution to solving this problem is TDD or Test-Driven Development. TDD is the process of testing your app prior to implementing it, so you know exactly how your older code will react with your newer code. If you want to create professional and error-free codes, then TDD is a great process to learn.

Learn the Test Driven Development process from the ground up in an easy manner with this comprehensive course!

Our course has been designed to break down the process of TDD in to simple and short video segments. Each segment will cover important concepts of TDD including what it is, benefits of TDD, various types of tests, third-party services, and so on.

Why should you actually learn TDD?

TDD is a systematic approach to code writing, and implementation. It ensures that you end up with error free codes that result in bug-free programs. TDD also makes it easier to fix buggy codes as there are fewer lines of code to deal with rather than trying to find errors from pages and pages of code – like a needle from a haystack.

This course has been designed with our expert programmer, who has more than 10 years of experience in programming and works at the prestigious Moscow Aviation Institute. His knowledge combined with his ability to simplify even the most complicated technology, ensures that you are in the best hands when it comes to learning TDD.

Designed for beginners, the TDD tutorial will start at the very beginning assuming that you are a beginner, going through everything from the ground up ensuring that you are on top of the topic. The instructor also goes through everything and also ensures that there are examples at every turn to help you also have a hands-on experience.

At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and the confidence to start writing codes for testing your codes before implementation. You will also learn about the different tests and how to write them for your codes.
What you will find in this course:

- How to install a text editor and rails framework

- What is TDD, what are some best practices, the different types of tests

- Start writing unit tests for your models

- How to test models and controllers

- How to write integration tests and how they can test collaboration of different components

- How to test user behavior and how to simulate user behavior

- How to test mailers, background jobs, and third party services by recording HTTP interaction using the VCR solution

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s test your testing skills!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
Basic knowledge of any programming language is required to use the concepts taught in the courseBasic knowledge of Rails will be helpful

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.