9+ ways to improve on your stick figure drawings (Skillshare)

9+ ways to improve on your stick figure drawings (Skillshare)
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9+ ways to improve on your stick figure drawings (Skillshare)
If you're in a need for good looking stick figure drawing, this class is for you. Here I'll show you over 9 ways to improve on your sketching so that you can use it in your illustration, art or simply explainer figure drawing. I hope it will give you a better understanding of design thinking and visual communication that will in turn help you make better graphic design for your needs.

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Whether I make drawings for clients, or for personal projects I always try to make my work efficient and the final result a great looking drawing. Usually I start working with basic stick figures, creating thumbnail drawing to see what is working and what is not. That is why I think good stick figure drawing is very important to my work and it could be for you as well.

In this class, you'll go behind-the-scenes as I share my process of drawing. I’ll provide you with helpful tips for better understanding of shapes, lines and how to make the best looking stick figures. All for one purpose – to get better at your craft of line making.

With help from this class you should be able to create a strong foundation for your drawing process and from there make art that your friends and family would love to see on their walls.
Here are some of the steps that you’ll go through in this class:

- Gather up your drawing materials and reference photos.

- Set up your workplace and start working.

- Make simple exercises to master your lines

- Learn new things or recapitalize your knowledge about stick figures and how to use them in your drawing

- Experiment with proportions of different types of human body.

- See how to use simplify shapes and put stick figures in motion.

- Use simple lines to create a basic shape of a human body.

- Enjoy drawing. :)

Start making drawings with confidence of a professional draughtsman.

For the class project students will create drawings based on the video lessons, just watch the final video for more instructions. :)

This class is aimed at beginner to intermediate level students with just the basic knowledge of drawing but anyone who likes to brush up on their knowledge of drawing can watch this class. Who knows, even those advanced students might learn something interesting, see another approach to drawing, try something different.

Graphic design, illustration, painting, all of those have their foundation in drawing so knowing this craft can be very helpful and making a good foundation is all that this class is about. It is mostly suited for students with beginner level of knowledge but even more advanced students can find interesting material, incites into design thinking, tips for visual communication and sketching, especially in the bonus videos.

Now it’s time for your project:

1. Finish watching the course.

2. Make figure drawing exercises that are showed in the videos. Post them in the project gallery and I’ll leave a comment as soon as I can. The more you do the better you’ll get at drawing.

3. Expand from there, keep on drawing new subjects applying stuff that you learned in this class, ask for feedback.

4. Practice, practice, practice.

I would love to see what you came up with and help if you run into any kind of problem.

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