Scientific Publications

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Writing in the Sciences (Coursera)

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific publication, and writing for general [...]

Write Smarter with Overleaf and LaTeX (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Write Smarter with Overleaf and LaTeX (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will introduce you to LaTeX, a document preparation system for creating highly customized formatted documents and Overleaf, a tool that makes writing with LaTeX much easier. LaTeX and Overleaf are particularly useful for scientific researchers who may want to write scientific manuscripts and be able to reformat [...]

Discovering Science: Science Writing (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Discovering Science: Science Writing (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
What science discoveries will you choose to write about? Without science writing, science could not really exist. By recording experiments and publishing the results of studies and discoveries, scientists can share their important work, and find an engaged audience. Science writing takes many forms: from press releases to video [...]