Network Virtualization

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Juniper Cloud Concepts and Open Source Technologies (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Juniper Cloud Concepts and Open Source Technologies (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will learn fundamental cloud computing concepts. This course covers key benefits of cloud computing, cloud service models such as SaaS and IaaS; public, private and hybrid cloud deployment models and open-source cloud technologies. You will learn about Linux virtualization techniques, QEMU-KVM, Libvirt and popular cloud [...]

Networking and Security Architecture with VMware NSX (Coursera)

This 8 week online course equips learners with the basics of network virtualization with VMware NSX. To get the most of this course, you should have familiarity with generic IT concepts of routing, switching, firewalling, disaster recovery, business continuity, cloud and security.

Leadership in a Virtual World (edX)

Learn project management and team communication in a virtual world. This course introduces the use of project management tools available in a virtual space to manage team communication within a virtual network. This course also introduces learners to the virtual world of community organizations available to support community based [...]

Introduction to Open Source Networking Technologies (Linux Foundation)

Learn technical fundamentals needed to adopt SDN, NFV, disaggregation, orchestration, network automation, and modern networking. Discover use cases and technical options for open networking. Plus: learn more about The Linux Foundation networking projects. Explore open source networking projects, from The Linux Foundation and beyond, that are shaping the future [...]

Netzwerkvirtualisierung - Von einfach bis zur Cloud (openHPI)

Self Paced
Netzwerkvirtualisierung - Von einfach bis zur Cloud (openHPI)
Free Course
Nach der Virtualisierung der Server wird nun das Netzwerk virtualisiert. Physikalische und virtuelle Netzwerke werden entkoppelt und somit entstehen Netze mit neuen Möglichkeiten. Der Kurs zeigt die Netzwerkvirtualisierung, die schon lange im Netzwerk Verwendung findet, bis hin zu Cloud Netzwerken und Unternehmensvernetzung mit Hilfe von SD-WAN. [...]