Kaplan-Meier Plot

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Summary Statistics in Public Health (Coursera)

Biostatistics is the application of statistical reasoning to the life sciences, and it is the key to unlocking the data gathered by researchers and the evidence presented in the scientific literature. In this course, we'll focus on the use of statistical measurement methods within the world of public health [...]

Survival Analysis in R for Public Health (Coursera)

The three earlier courses in this series covered statistical thinking, correlation, linear regression and logistic regression. This one will show you how to run survival – or “time to event” – analysis, explaining what’s meant by familiar-sounding but deceptive terms like hazard and censoring, which have specific meanings in [...]

Modèles de durée (FUN)

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Modèles de durée (FUN)
Free Course
Dans ce cours, on s'intéressera de façon plus privilégiée aux applications à l'actuariat de ce genre de modèle sans pour autant que ce domaine d'application soit exclusif, on s'intéressera notamment à l'étude de la mortalité et à ses applications en assurance vie en terminant par une introduction à l'évolution [...]