Essentials of Corporate Finance Specialization

You will gain a firm understanding of corporate finance, including accounting principles and financial analysis, how value is created by global markets, the choices firms face when making financial decisions and defining attitudes towards risk. The Specialization concludes with a Capstone project that allows you to apply the skills you've learned throughout the courses.

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Alternative Approaches to Valuation and Investment (Coursera)

In this course, participants will develop an understanding of the intuitive foundations of asset and investment valuation, and how alternative valuation techniques may be used in practice. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne and Bank of New York [...]

Corporate Financial Decision-Making for Value Creation (Coursera)

In this course, participants will learn about the key financial decisions modern corporations face, as well as the alternative methods that can be employed to optimize the value of the firm’s assets. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne [...]

The Role of Global Capital Markets (Coursera)

In this course, participants will learn about how different markets around the world can interact to create value for, and effectively manage the risk of, corporations and their stakeholders. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne and Bank of [...]

The Language and Tools of Financial Analysis (Coursera)

In this course, participants will learn the foundations of accounting principles and financial analysis, develop an understanding of the links between these, and the measurement of value creation at the firm level. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne [...]