Environmental Law

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Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy (Coursera)

Environmental law may be the one institution standing between us and planetary exhaustion. It is also an institution that needs to be reconciled with human liberty and economic aspirations. This course considers these issues and provides a tour though existing legal regimes governing pollution, water law, endangered species, toxic [...]

Business Sustainability in the Circular Economy (Coursera)

Nov 11th 2024
Business Sustainability in the Circular Economy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
We are surrounded by so much discussion of sustainability that it can sometimes become overwhelming. Important questions include: What role can business have in ensuring the sustainability of the planet? How should business work with society to preserve the environment? These questions will be answered in this course as [...]

Environmental Justice (FutureLearn)

Oct 11th 2021
Environmental Justice (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Understand how climate change, biodiversity loss and deforestation affect people, exploring justice in environment management. The world faces challenging environmental problems. They are challenging because different people typically contribute differently to environmental change, and because its effects will be felt differently by different people in different [...]