Rachel Williams

Rachel Williams is the Prince of Wales Hospital Hereditary Cancer Clinic Senior Cancer Genetic Counsellor and Network Clinical Lead.
Rachel is also a Conjoint Associate Lecturer, UNSW; Member of HGSA and ASGC; has Professional Certification in Genetic Counselling (Cancer Genetics) (HGSA); Member of NSW Oncology Group in Cancer Genetics; Member eviQ Cancer Genetics Reference Committee; co­-author of 10 peer reviewed publications, member of the Lowy Biorepository Specimen Access Committee; member of NSW Genetic Information System Application Advisory group. She is a past member of NSW & ACT Hereditary Bowel Cancer Register Advisory Committee and State (NSW) Representative for Genetic Counsellors (ASGC).

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Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution (FutureLearn)

Learn about personalised medicine and the impact that our enhanced understanding of genetics has on modern medicine and society. Personalised medicine. Precision medicine. Individualised medicine. Customised medicine. Targeted medicine. All buzzwords of recent years that excite, confuse and infuriate the public, researchers and healthcare professionals. Broadly speaking, these terms [...]