Michael Wales

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Intro to Progressive Web Apps (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to Progressive Web Apps (Udacity)
Free Course
In this course you’ll get started working on your very first Progressive Web App (PWA) - a web app that can take advantage of many of the features native applications have enjoyed. You’ll also get more experience in creating a web app that works offline using Service Workers. Finally, [...]

Web Accessibility (Udacity)

Self Paced
Web Accessibility (Udacity)
Free Course
Developing with Empathy. In this course you’ll get hands-on experience making web applications accessible. You’ll understand when and why users need accessibility. Then you’ll dive into the "how": making a page work properly with screen readers, and managing input focus (e.g. the highlight you see when tabbing through [...]

Offline Web Applications (Udacity)

Self Paced
Offline Web Applications (Udacity)
Free Course
Using IndexedDB & Service Worker. This course is focused squarely on user experience, and seeks to show developers how thinking offline-first is the best way to ensure that applications perform their best in all scenarios, not just ideal ones. You'll learn to recognize the differences between good, poor, intermittent, [...]

Configuring Linux Web Servers (Udacity)

Self Paced
Configuring Linux Web Servers (Udacity)
Free Course
Your First Ubuntu Server. In this course you'll learn the basic Linux fundamentals every web developer needs to know to share their web applications with the world! You'll get a basic Python WSGI application up and running within a Vagrant virtual machine that queries data from a PostgreSQL [...]

JavaScript Testing (Udacity)

Self Paced
JavaScript Testing (Udacity)
Free Course
Developing Apps with Confidence. In this course you'll learn how to write JavaScript applications with confidence, using the red-green-refactor workflow. You'll write comprehensive suites of tests that validate your application is functioning as intended at all times. You'll start by exploring how other industries use a variety of tests [...]