Michael Goudzwaard

Mike is an Instructional Designer in Educational Technologies, and course lead. He received a B.A. in History from Calvin College and a M.S. in Environmental Science from Antioch University New England. During the long New England winters Mike can be found cross-country skiing the trails around Vermont and New Hampshire.
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Question Reality! Science, philosophy, and the search for meaning (edX)

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Question Reality! Science, philosophy, and the search for meaning (edX)
Course Auditing
What is reality? Explore how physics and philosophy have changed our perspective on the nature of the universe, matter, and mind over time. How much can we know of the physical world? Can we know everything? Or are there fundamental limits to how much we can explain? If there [...]

The American Renaissance: Classic Literature of the 19th Century (edX)

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The American Renaissance: Classic Literature of the 19th Century (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore the writings of famous American authors from Ralph Waldo Emerson and Harriet Beecher Stowe to Mark Twain, and examine the historic role Dartmouth College played in their formation. What is the American Renaissance? How did Dartmouth help foster the formation of the American Renaissance and its reevaluation and [...]

Introduction to Environmental Science (edX)

A scientific study of the natural world and how it is influenced by people. Major topics include: food, energy, human population, biodiversity and global change. Environmental science is the study of patterns and processes in the natural world and their modification by human activity. To understand current environmental problems, [...]