Fei Guo

Fei has more than 20 years experience in teaching and conducting research in Australia, the United States and China. Fei’s main teaching and research interests have been in migration and labour market, ethnic and cultural diversity, diaspora and transnationalism, internationalisation of workforce, consequences of demographic changes. She has published more than 50 academic journal articles and book chapters, and six co-authored or co-edited books. One of her recent books Global Population in Transition (with J Martins and D Swanson, 2018, Springer) examines some of the critical global issues of population change and diversity.

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Cultural intelligence: Become a global citizen (Coursera)

Jan 16th 2025
Cultural intelligence: Become a global citizen (Coursera)
Course Auditing
We now live in a truly global, interconnected world in which every manager requires a high level of cultural intelligence. In a diverse work environment, a successful leader must understand the cultural backgrounds, beliefs and attitudes of the people around them – or run the risk of failing to [...]