How to draw cafe in Japanese watercolor style in Procreate - digital illustration (Skillshare)

How to draw cafe in Japanese watercolor style in Procreate - digital illustration (Skillshare)
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How to draw cafe in Japanese watercolor style in Procreate - digital illustration (Skillshare)
Today I will teach you, how to draw Japanese cafe in Japanese watercolor style, where we will combine actually watercolor and ink together. I will teach you how to trace picture properly, how to create texture paper, how to create those watercolor look that we might see in different anime.

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This class is great for beginners, but can be useful for experienced artist - probably here you can find an inspiration and new ways of painting.

I will use Procreate for this class with IPad and Apple Pencil. So if you have it or some other drawing pads or just regular watercolor paper, paintings and brushes - please join our class and good luck.

Paint your own picture in Japanese style, using the tips and brushes that I gave you today. You can use my reference picture or find some other pictures at the website Unsplash.

You can also post here your in-process pictures and reference pictures.

Brushes you can download following the link at the description of the class

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