European Journalism Centre

We enable and sustain quality journalism and information as a public service through a variety of activities, both in the non-profit and service sectors.
The European Journalism Centre (EJC) offers services in the following areas:
- Seminars, workshops, and European as well as world-wide study trips for journalists and other media professionals at all career stages, including students;
- Thematic seminars, workshops, and study trips on all kinds of European affairs from overarching policies to highly specialised areas;
- Professional skills training for journalists and other media professionals, ranging from basics to cutting-edge techniques such as storytelling with data, social media and journalism, or transition management in newsrooms;
- Research, consulting and expertise on matters related to journalism, the media, and the public sphere;
- Websites and online resources for journalists and media professionals;
- Collaborative online spaces for news and debate;
- Editorially managed social media services;
- Media training for professionals outside of the media industry;
- Journalism awards and competitions.
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