3D Graphics

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VR Interview Prep (Udacity)

Confidently take on the tech interview. This course is an excellent way to prepare for technical interviews. You’ll experience a mock interview, and review detailed analysis on how to field key industry questions. You'll review common VR Developer interview topics, including 3D graphics and scene optimization. You'll also learn [...]

3D Graphics for Web Developers (FutureLearn)

Use WebGL to develop high-quality, interactive 3D graphics applications that run natively in browsers. With the advent of WebGL, it is now possible to develop high-quality, interactive 3D graphics applications, which run natively in web browsers. However, to do this, you need to be proficient in both web development [...]

Computer Graphics (edX)

Learn to create images of 3D scenes in both real-time and with realistic raytracing in this introductory computer graphics course. Today, computer graphics is a central part of our lives, in movies, games, computer-aided design, virtual simulators, visualization and even imaging products and cameras. [...]

Interactive 3D Graphics (Udacity)

Self Paced
Interactive 3D Graphics (Udacity)
Free Course
Creating Virtual Worlds. This class will teach you about the basic principles of 3D computer graphics: meshes, transforms, cameras, materials, lighting, and animation.