Zhang Guogang

Zhang Guogang, born in 1956 in Anqing, Anhui, is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of History at Tsinghua University. For decades, Professor Zhang has studied the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907 AD) and the history of Chinese and Western cultural exchanges. Previously, he taught as a professor in history a Nankai University, was the Alexader von Humbordt Stipendiat visiting scholar at Universität Hamburg, and visiting scholar Cambridge University and Universität Trier. Professor Zhang has been inscribed on the lists of the 100-1,000-10,000 Talent Project (1997) of the Ministry of Personnel, PRC, and Tsinghua University’s ‘985 Hundred Talents Programme’ (2003). He has also worked as Tsinghua University’s ‘Cheung Kong Scholar’ distinguished professor (2006). His main works include: Official System of the Tang Dynasty, A Study of Military Provinces in the Tang Dynasty, A Collection of Papers on the Political System of the Tang Dynasty, Family and Society in the Tang Dynasty, A History of Chinese and Western Cultural Relations, and has given various lectures on the works Zizhi Tongjian.

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Chinese History From Warring States to the Tang Dynasty | 资治通鉴 (edX)

Guides you through the Chinese masterpiece _Zizhi Tongjian, _an unprecedented work of governance and philosophical thinking spanning from the Warring States Period to the Tang Dynasty. Through the teacher's guided reading, students can go deep into the interior of this classic text, gain an overview of thousands of years [...]