Robert Bramkamp

Robert Bramkamp is a German director and screenwriter. He was born on May the 15th 1961 in Münster in the north western part of Germany. From 1998 to 2006 he was a lecturer of film directing at the Academy of Film and Television in Potsdam in the eastern part of Germany (“Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen ‘Konrad Wolf’ Potsdam-Babelsberg”). Since 2008 he has been a professor at the College of Fine Arts in Hamburg, the largest port city of Germany situated in the northern part of the country. Today, Robert Bramkamp is also a professor of German cinematography at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Switzerland where he teaches an intensive summer seminar.
Robert Bramkamp studied Germanic studies from 1981 to 1988 and graduated from the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. In parallel, from 1983 to 1988 he also studied film at the Art Academy in Münster. In 1988 he became a master’s degree student of the German film director Lutz Mommartz (1934-).
Since 1983 Robert Bramkamp wrote and directed of six short movie and four feature-length films. At the same time he has been an author, a film studies professor and an organizer of film and media events. In 1988 he started a work co-operation with the German conceptual artist and photographer Susanne Weirich (1962-). They would first worked together on her Media Art Projects.
Professor Bramkamp’s first full-length feature film, entitled Gelbe Sorte (“Yellow Species”) was produced for the small screen and aired on German television in 1987.
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Anhand des Science-Fiction-Films ART GIRLS, der am 9. April 2015 ins Kino kommt, vermittelt dieser Kurs neue Storytellingtechniken und Produktionsprozesse für den innovativen Film von heute und morgen.