Andrea Reid

Andrea Reid is currently managing the student employability strategy project at The University of Queensland. Employability development through experiential learning is the topic of Andrea's PhD research. Andrea has 18 years' higher education experience across three Australian universities, in the areas of curriculum design and academic skill development. She has Bachelor, Graduate Diploma and Master level degrees in education and has worked as a primary school teacher and in the Schools division of the National Library of New Zealand. Andrea has co-authored three academic skills texts with Ros McCulloch - Your business degree, Academic skills for international students published by Pearson Australia; and Starting your business degree published by QUT.

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Unlocking Your Employability (edX)

Learn how to unlock your personal and professional development and market your skills to potential employers to maximise your career success. A degree is necessary to secure a graduate role, but employers are looking for much more. The key is showing a potential employer what you can offer BEYOND [...]