People Analytics and Evidence-Based Management (openSAP)

People Analytics and Evidence-Based Management (openSAP)
Free Course

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People Analytics and Evidence-Based Management (openSAP)
Join this free online course to learn about people analytics and evidence-based management and how it can help drive better decision-making in your organization.

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People are often described as an organization’s most important asset, while data was recently referred to as the oil of the 21st century. It’s therefore not surprising that people analytics is considered a game-changer for human resource management practices. Instead of relying mainly on intuition and gut-feeling, analytical approaches and evidence should drive decision-making in organizations.

In this course, you can learn what it takes to start with people analytics, how to address typical challenges, and how existing scientific evidence can help form management decisions. Experts from academia, business, and sports will share knowledge and experience from their people analytics journeys.

This MOOC emerged from the PeopleAnalytics@Mannheim initiative of the Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership of the University of Mannheim and the Mannheim Business School. The aim of the initiative and of this MOOC is to help human resource managers make better decisions by leveraging people analytics and an evidence-based approach towards HR management.

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to People Analytics

Week 2: People Analytics Use Cases

Week 3: Getting Started with People Analytics

Week 4: Final Exam

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