Linux Commands & Shell Scripting (edX)

Linux Commands & Shell Scripting (edX)
Course Auditing
Computer and IT Literacy

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Linux Commands & Shell Scripting (edX)
This mini-course describes shell commands and how to use the advanced features of the Bash shell to automate complicated database tasks. For those not familiar with shell scripting, this course provides an overview of common Linux Shell Commands and shell scripting basics.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

This mini-course provides a practical introduction to commonly used Linux / UNIX shell commands and teaches you basics of Bash shell scripting to automate a variety of tasks. The course includes both video-based lectures as well as hands-on labs to practice and apply what you learn. You will have no-charge access to a virtual Linux server that you can access through your web browser, so you don't need to download and install anything to perform the labs.

In this course you will work with general purpose commands, like id, date, uname, ps, top, echo, man; directory manageent commands such as pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, find, df; file management commands like cat, wget, more, head, tail, cp, mv, touch, tar, zip, unzip; access control command chmod; text processing commands - wc, grep, tr; as well as networking commands - hostname, ping, ifconfig and curl. You will create simple to intermediate shell scripts that involve Metacharacters, Quoting, Variables, Command substitution, I/O Redirection, Pipes & Filters, and Command line arguments. You will also schedule cron jobs using crontab.

This course provides essential hands-on skills for data engineers, data scientists, software developers, and cloud practitioners who want to get familiar with frequently used commands on Linux, MacOS and other Unix-like operating systems as well as get started with creating shell scripts.

This course is part of the following programs:

- DevOps and Software Engineering Professional Certificate

- Data Engineering Professional Certificate

- SQL, ETL and BI Fundamentals Professional Certificate

- Data Warehouse Engineering Professional Certificate.

What you'll learn

After completing this course, a learner will be able to...

- Define what a shell is and recall common shell commands

- Execute common linux commands and use pipes and filters

- Outline what a script is and describe the ‘shebang’ interpreter directive

- Create simple to intermediate level Bash shell scripts

- Schedule cron jobs with crontab and understand the cron syntax.


Module 1 – Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

Module Introduction & Learning Objectives

Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

Common Linux/Unix Shell Commands

Hands-on Lab: Common Linux/Unix Commands

Linux and Bash Command Cheat Sheet: The Basics

Shell Scripting Basics

Hands-on Lab: Getting Started with Shell Scripting

Filters, Pipes, and Variables

Useful Features of the Bash Shell

Hands-on Lab: Bash Scripting Advanced

Scheduling Jobs using Cron

Hands-on Lab: Scheduling Jobs using Crontab

Summary & Highlights

Practice Quiz: Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

Graded Quiz: Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

Course Wrap Up

Congratulations and Next Steps

Course Rating

Team & Notices

Acknowledgments & Team

Congrats & Next Steps

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
26.00 EUR
Computer and IT Literacy

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.