Jumpstart into Entrepreneurship (edX)

Jumpstart into Entrepreneurship (edX)
Course Auditing

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Jumpstart into Entrepreneurship (edX)
Through step-by-step guidance, together we will bring your business idea to life with the help of proven, time-tested tools and strategies employed by some of the world’s most successful start-ups. Turning your business idea into a company can feel intimidating and getting started may be overwhelming. This practical, hands-on entrepreneurship course is taught by a founder of multiple successful business startups and provides step-by-step guidance to go from concept to product market fit and beyond.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

In one comprehensive, fast-paced startup course, you will gain tools and strategies employed to build some of the world’s most successful businesses.

We’ll start off by helping you learn entrepreneurship by building an entrepreneurial mindset to establish a foundation to thrive as a business owner and discover proven methodologies to identify problems as business opportunities. From there you will learn how to validate your new product or service by interviewing potential customers and testing an early version of your solution known as a Minimum Viable Product, or ‘MVP’. Once your product or service is in the hands of customers, you will learn how to measure their strengths and weaknesses to guide changes based on data and ultimately scale to a wider audience.

By leveraging the Lean Startup methodology, you will dramatically improve your odds of success to save time, money, and resources while helping your idea go to market through customer feedback. You will learn how to flip your assumptions on their head! Rather than writing a lengthy business plan, building a product, and then trying to find customers, the Lean Startup approach will help you position your concept as a hypothesis which you’ll learn how to validate and test on real customers. During the course, you’ll work real-time to gather early feedback, improve and potentially pivot your product based on customer needs until you are able to achieve product market fit before pitching to potential investors. From there, the sky's the limit!

What you'll learn

- Learn the characteristics of the entrepreneurial mindset

- Create the first iteration of your product or service

- Test your product or service with potential customers during the course

- Uncover startup myths and how to avoid the most common pitfalls

- Examine the fundamentals of the Lean Startup methodology

- Apply the Build-Measure-Learn process to your own startup idea

- Pursue customer-centered discovery and validation

- Bring your product to market!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
196.00 EUR

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.