Probabilistic Reasoning

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Razonamiento artificial (Coursera)

El razonamiento formal juega un papel importante en la inteligencia artificial. Hay dos maneras principales de formalizar razonamiento: una que enfatiza la deducción (lógica), y otra que enfatiza la incertidumbre (teoría de la probabilidad). En este curso vamos a cubrir una introducción tanto a la lógica (vamos a cubrir [...]

TSI Math Prep MOOC (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
TSI Math Prep MOOC (Coursera)
Free Course
The purpose of this course is to review and practice key concepts in preparation for the math portion of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSI2). The TSI2 is series of placement tests for learners enrolling in public universities in Texas. This MOOC will cover the four main [...]

Intro to Artificial Intelligence (Udacity)

This course will introduce you to the basics of AI. Topics include machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has a long history but is still constantly and actively growing and changing. In this course, you’ll learn the [...]