Malware Analysis

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Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language (Coursera)

Malicious software, or malware, is typically delivered over a network and is designed to cause disruption to a computer, client, server, or network. Disruptions can include leaked private information, unauthorized access to information or systems, blocked user access, interference with security and privacy, or numerous other variations of attacking [...]

Cyber Incident Response (Coursera)

The Cyber Incident Response course will give students an understanding of how incidents are responded to at a high level, as well as allow them to build important technical skills through the hands-on labs and projects. This course starts with a high-level discussion of what happens at each phase [...]

Malware Analysis and Assembly Language Introduction (edX)

This course introduces the processes and methods for conducting malware analysis of different file types and describes how Assembly Language is used to analyze malware. Malicious software, or malware, is typically delivered over a network and is designed to cause disruption to a computer, client, server, or network. Disruptions [...]