International Affairs

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The Changing Global Order (Coursera)

How are international power relations changing and how can global peace and stability be maintained? This course familiarizes you with some main theories of international relations, shows how the global order is gradually changing and discusses how selected international and regional organizations contribute to the maintenance of global peace [...]

Understanding EU-Russia Relations: Foreign Policy Actors, Institutions and Policy-Making (UT)

The main aim of the course is to give students an introduction to and overview of the EU’s and Russia’s foreign policy actors, institutions and frameworks of both entities’ interactions. The course combines various formats of e-learning possibilities (video lectures, short audio podcasts, guest video interviews, skills workshops, etc.). [...]

Kit de survie juridique des affaires internationales (FUN)

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Kit de survie juridique des affaires internationales (FUN)
Free Course
En droit, la mondialisation offre un singulier mélange de liberté et d’inquiétude, car les options sont infinies mais sans filet. Heureusement, la pratique a fait émerger un espéranto et des règles du jeu que l’on retrouve partout. Construit à partir d’exemples très concrets et de cas réels, ce cours [...]
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Free Course

International Affairs: Global Governance (FutureLearn)

Learn the importance of global governance and explore the processes and institutions finding solutions for global challenges. Countries across the globe are increasingly linked and dependent on each other. This can lead to tensions and confusion. This course will give you a compass to navigate our interconnected [...]