Health Psychology

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Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to Action (Coursera)

Humans often fail to make rational decisions that affect their health. This course seeks to heighten understanding of the social and behavioral factors that contribute to health decisions and behaviors, with an ultimate goal of learning how to utilize these factors in improving public health efforts. [...]

Psicología de la salud (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Psicología de la salud (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso aprenderás los fundamentos conceptuales de la Psicología de la Salud. Comenzaremos con los antecedentes históricos acerca del estudio de los componentes subjetivos y de comportamiento en el proceso salud-enfermedad y de la atención de la salud. Además, se conocerán los factores psicosociales relacionados en la calidad [...]

Introduction to Health Psychology (FutureLearn)

Available now
Introduction to Health Psychology (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn about the importance of psychology in healthcare, how it can improve policymaking and patient outcomes. Discover why psychology in healthcare matters to both caregivers and patients. Psychology plays a vital role in healthcare services. From a patient learning to cope with a medical condition to a doctor delivering [...]