Energy Sources

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Energy: The Enterprise (Coursera)

This course provides a broad view of the evolving nature of energy and the influence of cost, availability, sustainability, technical advancements, lifestyle, and concern over the environment. Learners get a peek into our energy history, recent technical and societal advancements in clean energy, and some of the more important [...]

Outsmarting intermittency (Coursera)

Nov 25th 2024
Outsmarting intermittency (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Solar and wind offer clean and renewable ways to produce large amounts of electricity. They have boomed over the last few years, evolving from an eco-daydream to a major market and showing unprecedented growth rates. Yet, installing solar panels and wind turbines is by no means the end of [...]

Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems in Transition: an introduction for decision-makers (edX)

Gain insight into the technology, economics, governance and management of the energy system and its current transitions to combat climate change so you can take appropriate decisions and design feasible policies. This course is designed for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of the current energy system, in order to [...]

Problèmes Energétiques Globaux (FUN)

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Problèmes Energétiques Globaux (FUN)
Free Course
Après le succès de la première session du MOOC Problèmes Énergétiques Globaux, qui a réuni près de 9000 inscrits et dont le taux de réussite à l'examen final a été de 81 %, toute l'équipe pédagogique du MOOC est heureuse de vous retrouver sur la plateforme FUN pour l'ouverture [...]