Application Deployment

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App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance en Français (Coursera)

Dans ce cours, les développeurs d'applications apprennent à concevoir et développer des applications cloud natives qui intègrent parfaitement les services gérés de Google Cloud. À travers un ensemble de présentations, de démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques, ils découvrent comment appliquer les bonnes pratiques de développement d'applications et comment utiliser les [...]

Deploying Applications with Heroku (Udacity)

Self Paced
Deploying Applications with Heroku (Udacity)
Free Course
Share Your Applications with the World. This course will introduce you to web deployment platforms. You’ll begin by deploying your first web application to the Heroku platform, making it publicly available on the internet. In the process, you will learn about the underlying mechanics of web hosting. You will [...]

Extending SAP SuccessFactors with SAP Cloud Platform (openSAP)

Self Paced
Extending SAP SuccessFactors with SAP Cloud Platform (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course and learn how to extend your SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite with SAP Cloud Platform. With SAP Cloud Platform, you can build apps and features that your business needs to enhance your HR system and extend the core solution. This course is ideal for architects [...]