Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider

Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider is a Teaching Assistant Professor of Computer Science at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). With a passion for data, he serves as the lead instructor of CS 225 (Data Structures) and works with students on numerous data visualizations that have accumulated over 10,000,000 interactions. In 2016, he was selected as one of the National Academy of Engineering's Frontiers of Engineering Education scholars; in 2017, he was awarded the Collins Award for Innovative Teaching; and he has been consistently ranked as an excellent instructor by his students for the past ten years.

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Unordered Data Structures (Coursera)

The Unordered Data Structures course covers the data structures and algorithms needed to implement hash tables, disjoint sets and graphs. These fundamental data structures are useful for unordered data. For example, a hash table provides immediate access to data indexed by an arbitrary key value, that could be a [...]

Ordered Data Structures (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn new data structures for efficiently storing and retrieving data that is structured in an ordered sequence. Such data includes an alphabetical list of names, a family tree, a calendar of events or an inventory organized by part numbers. The specific data structures covered [...]

Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ (Coursera)

This course teaches learners how to write a program in the C++ language, including how to set up a development environment for writing and debugging C++ code and how to implement data structures as C++ classes. It is the first course in the Accelerated CS Fundamentals specialization, and subsequent [...]