Vladimir Podolskii

Vladimir V. Podolskii is a senior research fellow at Steklov Institute of Mathematics in Moscow and an associate professor at Computer Science Department of Higher School of Economics in Moscow. His scientific interests lie in the field of Computational Complexity and related fields of Computer Science and Mathematics.
More info here.

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What is a Proof? (Coursera)

Mathematical thinking is crucial in all areas of computer science: algorithms, bioinformatics, computer graphics, data science, machine learning, etc. In this course, we will learn the most important tools used in discrete mathematics: induction, recursion, logic, invariants, examples, optimality. We will use these tools to answer typical programming questions [...]

Number Theory and Cryptography (Coursera)

We all learn numbers from the childhood. Some of us like to count, others hate it, but any person uses numbers everyday to buy things, pay for services, estimated time and necessary resources. People have been wondering about numbers’ properties for thousands of years. And for thousands of years [...]

Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs (Coursera)

The main goal of this course is to introduce topics in Discrete Mathematics relevant to Data Analysis. We will start with a brief introduction to combinatorics, the branch of mathematics that studies how to count. Basics of this topic are critical for anyone working in Data Analysis or Computer [...]