Troy Cline

Troy Cline is the Education and Public Outreach Lead for NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. He has extensive experience in educational technology, social media, cross-cultural classroom instruction, project management and public speaking. His research based approach has contributed to the development of new education products designed to teach the public about NASA’s 'Earth and Space Science' programs while providing a solid foundation in science and engineering design methods. Many of these projects are enhanced through model building and digital fabrication: the translation of digital designs into physical objects via 2D and 3D printing.

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Building STEM Afterschool Mobile Makerspace Programs (Canvas net)

Jan 11th 2016
 Building STEM Afterschool Mobile Makerspace Programs (Canvas net)
Free Course
This course is designed to help you create after-school mobile makerspace programs for K-12 students. It provides access to free NASA educational resources, including short, yet targeted PBL (problem-based learning) activities.