Luc Fabresse

Luc Fabresse received his PhD in computer science in 2007 from the University of Montpellier 2, France. He is currently an associate professor in the CAR research theme at Mines Douai, Mines-Telecom Institute. Luc is the co-author of several research papers advocating the use of dynamic and reflective languages such as Pharo to support live programming of mobile and autonomous robots in an efficient way. Luc's long-term vision is to be able to use Jedi mind trick on mobile robots ;-) Meanwhile, he concretizes all his ideas (models and tools) in the PhaROS plateform (a Pharo client for the Robotics Operating System) to develop, debug, test, deploy, execute and benchmark robotics applications. Each year, Luc gives many computer science lectures and co-organizes events (technical days, conferences, ...). He also promotes Smalltalk (ESUG board member) and participates to its open-source implementation Pharo.

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Programmation objet immersive en Pharo / Live Object Programming in Pharo (FUN)

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 Programmation objet immersive en Pharo / Live Object Programming in Pharo (FUN)
Free Course
Que vous soyez un débutant ou un expert en programmation orientée objet, ce MOOC va changer votre façon de penser objet : venez apprendre ou redécouvrir la programmation objet avec Pharo ! If you are either a beginner or an expert in object-oriented programming, this MOOC will change the [...]