Larry Neal

Larry Neal is the director of the Clinton-Macomb Public Library a state-of-the-art district library serving over 170,000 residents in suburban Detroit.
He has 35 years of public library experience, holds a BA and MBA from Oakland University and a Master of Science in Information-Library and Information Science specialization from the University of Michigan.
He is a past president of the Michigan Library Association, a past president of the Public Library Association, and a Library Journal Mover & Shaker.
In 2011 he helped restore library services for his home city of Bloomfield Hills by leading three grassroots millage campaigns in three years and a successful renewal in 2014. In 2014 CMPL successfully passed a vote for a 40% tax increase for library operations.
Larry has been involved in six library building projects including a new 25,000 sf branch scheduled to open in 2020.

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Strategic Planning for Public Libraries (edX)

Learn how to develop, implement, and adapt a strategic plan to fit the needs of your library. Strategic planning is a strategy for setting an organization’s goals, vision, and desired future. You’ll learn how library leaders, in partnership with trustees, library boards, and/or municipal leadership, use strategic planning to [...]

Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries (edX)

Understand financial concepts as well as well as effective practices in budgeting and auditing for library managers at all levels. Money isn’t generally the first topic that comes to mind when thinking about libraries, however it is a critical resource that touches every aspect of the organization. Whether you [...]