Ira "Ike" Levine

Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences

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Introduction to Algae (Coursera)

This course was produced by the Algae Technology Educational Consortium and UC San Diego with funding from the Algae Foundation, the National Renewable Energy Lab, and the U.S. Department of Energy. Algae are an extremely diverse group of organisms that can be found in almost every ecosystem on the [...]

Algal Blooms and Proliferations (Coursera)

This course is intended to provide information to the general public who may be curious after seeing a TV clip or read a news article about harmful algal bloom. It will cover 13 of the known toxins associated with harmful algae, their impacts on human and animal health, and [...]

Introduction to Seaweeds (Coursera)

This course was produced by the Algae Technology Educational Consortium and UC San Diego with funding from the Algae Foundation, the National Renewable Energy Lab, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Algae Biotechnology (Coursera)

For decades, researchers have been studying microalgae to understand their biological functions and how we can use technology to harness algae’s power to create a wide range of commercial products. In this course, we will cover how synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and metabolic engineering is used in algae biotechnology, [...]