Francesco Bimbo

My research is at the intersection of Industrial Organization (IO), Food Marketing, and Food, Health, and Policy. I am interested in topics related to the relationship between food and health, with a focus on the role played by food manufacturers and food retailers to shape this relationship. In my research, I use mostly revealed preference data (sales data), micro economic models and econometrics tools. I received a rigorous training in empirical industrial organization and food marketing, my background also includes a mix of food science and business management acquired in different institutions. I hold a master degree in Food Science (University of Foggia, Italy), a Ph.D. in Management of Innovation in the agri-food sector (University of Foggia, Italy) and a Ph.D. in Agribusiness (Wageningen University, Netherlands).

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The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains (Coursera)

In this course, you learn how the agro-food value chain approaches the challenge of constantly improving its competitiveness by producing high quality food and products and also aiming to attain greater sustainability. Some of the topics of this course are: the notion of quality for food and agricultural products [...]