Didier Pollefeyt

Didier Pollefeyt (°1965) is a Belgian Catholic theologian and full professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Areas of expertise:
- Religious education and Catholic identity
- Interreligious dialogue
- Post-holocaust ethics and theology In the Faculty of Theology and Religious studies, he teaches catechetics, religious pedagogy, post-holocaust theology and Jewish-Christian dialogue. He is also former vice-president for educational policy of the KU Leuven (2013 - 2017), chairman of the Centre for Peace Ethics, and the moving force behind Thomas, the website for religious instruction in the Dutch- speaking world (https://www.kuleuven.be/thomas). More info: http://www.didierpollefeyt.be

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Enhancing Catholic School Identity (edX)

How to build a Catholic Dialogue School in a pluralising and secularising world. The Catholic identity of schools today is being challenged by processes of pluralisation and secularisation. While school communities used to be considered more or less homogeneous, nowadays schools are characterised by increasing diversity and a diminishing [...]