Daniel Thorpe

Daniel is a research fellow at Harvard University in energy and environment, with penchants for hiking and reading about the evolution of steam engines. He is broadly interested in efficient, appropriate climate change mitigation, including the land use impacts of renewables and the long term effects of energy efficiency on climate. He’s also endlessly fascinated with the ways people learn, think, and grapple with polarizing topics, and is curious how we can understand each other better and grapple more productively when issues get heated.
Daniel has poured over 3000 hours of labor and love into making this course! He’s excited to support your learning, jump into the discussion forums, and join you in getting smarter about the pressing issues in Energy Within Environmental Constraints.

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Energy Within Environmental Constraints (edX)

A quantitative introduction to the energy system and its environmental impacts. Humanity faces an immense challenge: providing abundant energy to everyone without wrecking the planet. If we want a high-energy future while protecting the natural world for our children, we must consider the environmental consequences of energy production and [...]