Healthy Nutrition

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Actualización en el manejo del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (Coursera)

Este curso está diseñado para ofrecer información actualizada sobre el manejo del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, con la finalidad de mejorar su atención médica. El curso está dirigido a médicos y profesionales sanitarios que tienen contacto con pacientes diabéticos; con ello, se busca disminuir la morbimortalidad de [...]

Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to Action (Coursera)

Humans often fail to make rational decisions that affect their health. This course seeks to heighten understanding of the social and behavioral factors that contribute to health decisions and behaviors, with an ultimate goal of learning how to utilize these factors in improving public health efforts. [...]

Family Spirit Nurture (Coursera)

This course is designed for health educators and home visitors serving families with infants 0-6 months old. Learners will gain knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on healthy infant nutrition and growth as well as maternal and family nutrition. This course is uniquely tailored towards Indigenous families [...]

Nutrición y obesidad: control de sobrepeso (Coursera)

En este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, reconocerás una herramienta para evitar, manejar y controlar el sobrepeso y la obesidad, al destacar la importancia del autocuidado y el apoyo familiar en el manejo de este padecimiento. Te mostrará el verdadero valor de los alimentos como compañeros de tu vida, [...]

Nutrition: Eating to Live Well (FutureLearn)

Explore the importance of nutrition and learn how eating well can support humans to live longer, healthier lives. Discover the effect nutrition has on humans throughout their lives. Have you ever wondered how what you eat affects your health? Nutrition plays a key role in human health and disease [...]

Nutrition and Disease Prevention (FutureLearn)

Apr 15th 2024
Nutrition and Disease Prevention (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn about the relationship between diet and disease and discover the role a nutrient-rich diet can play in disease prevention. Understand how good nutrition can prevent disease. Diet-related diseases and obesity levels are rising. On this course you will explore the relationship between diet and disease and the role [...]

Food Safety and Nutrition: A Global Approach to Public Health (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Food Safety and Nutrition: A Global Approach to Public Health (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Understand global food security issues and learn about research designed to tackle food safety and nutrition challenges. Enhance your knowledge of global food safety and nutrition issues. Food security is reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, safe, and nutritious food.

Plant Based Diets: Food for a Sustainable Future (edX)

When you hear of the enormous global challenges we face, don’t you wish you could actually do something about it? Well, you can! Grab an apple as we explore the science behind Plant Based Diets and discover the impact you can have, by simply ‘going (more) plant based’.

Healthy Cooking Made Easy with BBC Good Food (FutureLearn)

Jul 26th 2021
Healthy Cooking Made Easy with BBC Good Food (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Ready to cook yourself healthy? Learn how to prepare nourishing and delicious meals with BBC Good Food’s brand-new course. Learn how to create nutritious meals and master 5 healthy recipes in 5 weeks. Do you want to cook healthy and delicious meals from scratch that make you feel good too?

Food as Medicine: Preventing and Reversing Chronic Disease (edX)

Heart disease and many other common, chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, many autoimmune disorders, and even some cancers, are all caused by the same thing...the Standard American Diet. But the good news is that these diseases need never exist and if they do exist, they can oftentimes [...]