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食品安全與毒理 (Food Safety & Toxicology) (Coursera)


Population, Food, and Soil (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Population, Food, and Soil (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course explores the population-environment relationship. In this course, you will learn about the human population and the ways in which changes in the population affect the environment. Agriculture, soils, and the environmental implications of eating meat, vegetables, local, organic, sustainable, industrial, and other types of food are discussed [...]

Public Health Perspectives on Sustainable Diets (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Public Health Perspectives on Sustainable Diets (Coursera)
Course Auditing
What we eat and how we produce that food have significant effects on human health and the sustainability of our planet. But what is a ‘sustainable’ diet? A sustainable diet, as defined by the FAO, promotes health and well-being and provides food security for the present population while [...]

Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action (Coursera)

Are you concerned about climate change? Would you like to learn how to address and respond to this challenge? If so, this course is for you. Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action is intended to help learners understand, address and respond to climate change [...]

Alimentación y dietética para una vuelta al mundo a vela (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Alimentación y dietética para una vuelta al mundo a vela (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Comer bien en una vuelta al mundo no es tarea fácil . Aprenda cómo equilibrar alta nutrición con practicidad mientras navega alrededor del mundo. Este curso pretende introducirte en el mundo de la preparación de los deportistas que participan en regatas de navegación transoceánica, como la Barcelona World [...]

Chicken Behaviour and Welfare (Coursera)

This course explains the general principles of chicken behaviour and welfare, and the behavioural and physiological indicators that can be used to assess welfare in chickens kept in hobby flocks through to commercial farms. The focus is primarily on laying hens and meat chickens (broilers) although many of the [...]

Rebuilding Our Relationship with Food (Coursera)

Have you ever made a conscious effort to change the way you eat (for health or other reasons) and then felt frustrated when your plans were derailed? You’re not alone. The best laid plans are often sabotaged by a food environment that makes it increasingly hard to make healthier [...]

Introduction to Food and Our Environment (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Introduction to Food and Our Environment (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed to help learners around the world become more sustainable eaters. Together, we’ll explore key topics, like how food production impacts the environment and why meat production and protein consumption are often at the center of the debate around sustainability. We’ll introduce the pros and cons [...]

The New Nordic Diet - from Gastronomy to Health (Coursera)

The New Nordic Diet is a new food culture developed in 2009-13 with key emphasis on gastronomy, health, and environment. Major research in its effect on acceptability, behaviour and learning skills, and disease prevention have been conducted by the OPUS centre at the University of Copenhagen and the people [...]