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Promotional Materials Every Musician Needs (Coursera)

They say that first impressions are the strongest, and that is definitely true in the arts! The materials you create to communicate who you are and why you're special are critical to your professional success. This course will provide you with the skills to generate effective promotional materials you [...]

How To Create a Website in a Weekend! (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

In this project-centered course*, you’ll design, build, and publish a basic website that incorporates text, sound, images, hyperlinks, plug-ins, and social media interactivity. We’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions, exercises, tips, and tools that enable you to set up a domain name, create an attractive layout for your pages, [...]

Cloud Computing Foundations (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Cloud Computing Foundations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the first course in the Cloud Data Analysis at Scale Specialization! In this course, you will learn how to build foundational Cloud computing infrastructure, including websites involving serverless technology and virtual machines. You will also learn how to apply Agile software development techniques to projects which will [...]

Optimizing a Website for Search (Coursera)

Learn the ins and outs of optimizing a website, from conducting an initial audit to presenting your findings and recommendations. Hands-on activities include learning how to select and apply appropriate keywords throughout a website, incorporating keyword research in a content marketing strategy, and optimizing a site for local search. [...]

Utilize CareerBuilder to Find Employment (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Utilize CareerBuilder to Find Employment (Coursera)
Free Course
In this 2-hour long project-based course you will learn how to use the CareerBuilder website to find employment. CareerBuilder is a wonderful source for finding employment, tracking job applications, and learning about the employment process. It is free for job seekers and easy to use. This project is most [...]

Modellazione digitale 3D: pubblicare sul web (POK)

Modellazione digitale 3D: pubblicare sul web (POK)
Free Course
Progettare e configurare un portale web per l’archiviazione e la condivisione degli elaborati didattici e del CV. Il programma si propone di fornire agli studenti di architettura indicazioni pratiche per la realizzazione di un semplice portale web, su cui archiviare i materiali didattici nei principali formati multimediali oggi in [...]

Learning how to be safe on the internet (Coursera)

This is a guided project that will equip you with the skills every user of the internet should have in order to be avoiding bad experiences and stories that touch. You don't want to lose your money and your privacy. Likewise, you don't want be misled, misinformed or waste [...]

Creating designs using Canva (Coursera)

Creating designs using Canva: An easy first step to creating graphic designs in Canva. We will start by creating an account and complete it with exporting the design created in the website. In this Guided Project, you will: Learn to use Canva and explore the website; Logo and brochure [...]

Web page creation by editing a template in GitHub (Coursera)

"Web page creation by editing a template in GitHub" : Creating Basic Website from Scratch. We will create a template repository from the basic concepts of HTML and CSS.Using the repository, we will create different webpages to produce a simple website. This website will be customizable according to requirements [...]

Creating Website Mockups in VECTR (Coursera)

VECTR is a free and powerful vector graphics software and create your very own unique graphic designs and implement them. By the end of this project, you will learn to create website mockups in VECTR, arrange them and export the designs in different formats and share them. You [...]