The State University of New York

The State University of New York, with 64 unique institutions, is the largest comprehensive system of higher education in the United States. Educating nearly 468,000 students in more than 7,500 degree and certificate programs both on campus and online, SUNY has nearly 3 million alumni around the globe.

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Analytics, Law, and Athlete Representation (Coursera)

In this course, we will discuss the interplay of law, data analysis, and athlete representation using the athlete's career path trajectory as the focus. The intent is to introduce data analytical tools, laws, & regulations applicable to athlete representation throughout various stages of an athlete’s career. The primary focus [...]

Introduction to Early Childhood (Coursera)

This course is targeted toward individuals wishing to operate a family day care center, and it covers topics including the fundamentals of early childhood development; the importance of play and Developmentally Appropriate Practice; and the significance of building strong family-educator relationships and how to achieve them. [...]

Operational Context and Data (Coursera)

By the end of this course, learners are empowered to implement data-driven process improvement objectives at their organization. The course covers: the business case for IoT (Internet of Things), the strategic importance of aligning operations and performance goals, best practices for collecting data, and facilitating a process mapping activity [...]

Data Analysis and Visualization (Coursera)

By the end of this course, learners are provided a high-level overview of data analysis and visualization tools, and are prepared to discuss best practices and develop an ensuing action plan that addresses key discoveries. It begins with common hurdles that obstruct adoption of a data-driven culture before introducing [...]

Applied Analytics and Data for Decision Making (Coursera)

By the end of this course, learners are prepared to identify and test the best solutions for improving performance and integrating concepts from operational excellence methodologies for optimum data-driven decision making. The course begins with a focus on deciphering the root cause of problems through a variety of tools [...]

Solar Energy Basics (Coursera)

This course gives you an introduction to the fundamentals of solar power as it applies to solar panel system installations. You will learn to compare solar energy to other energy resources and explain how solar panels, or photovoltaics (PV for short), convert sunlight to electricity. You will be [...]

Solar Energy System Design (Coursera)

Solar Energy System Design builds upon the introduction to PV systems from Solar Energy Basics course, which included basic system components and functions, as well as some basic system sizing using simplifying assumptions. You should at this point have a basic understanding of electrical power and energy, be able [...]

Collaborative Robot Safety: Design & Deployment (Coursera)

As robots evolve and increasingly interact with humans, enhancing the safety of personnel working with these “collaborative robots” (cobots) is vital. This course equips you to assess the safety of a collaborative robot workcell and prevent the chances of injury or harm. It imparts industry-endorsed safety standards, technical report [...]

How to Get Skilled: Introduction to Individual Skills Management (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

Do you want to gain a competitive edge on the job market? Would you like to improve the way that you organize, manage, and present your skills to succeed in a competency-based, competitive job selection? Have you prepared to compete for jobs in the age of AI-powered recruiting?