Wastewater Treatment Plants

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New paradigms in wastewater management (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
New paradigms in wastewater management (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This MOOC is aimed at providing key elements in relation to the management of the urban water cycle, including both conventional goals and the challenges of the smart cities of the future. This MOOC presents a full picture, although very concise, of present and emerging technologies for wastewater treatment, [...]

New paradigms in wastewater management: from a sanitation problem to a circular sustainable solution (POK)

Available now
New paradigms in wastewater management: from a sanitation problem to a circular sustainable solution (POK)
Free Course
The new paradigms in the management of the urban water service: originally conceived to protect public health through safe water supply and adequate treatment of wastewater, current trends aim not only at process optimization and energy savings but also at energy and material recovery from wastewater and [...]