Save Money

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Behavioral Finance (Coursera)

We make thousands of decisions every day. Do I cross the road now, or wait for the oncoming truck to pass? Should I eat fries or a salad for lunch? How much should I tip the cab driver? We usually make these decisions with almost no thought, using what [...]

Best Budget Template - Take Charge of Your Money and Start Saving (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Best Budget Template - Take Charge of Your Money and Start Saving (Skillshare)
Free Course
If you're having trouble or just want an easier way to keep track of your money, this class is for you! You'll have access to the best and simplest personal budget template. You'll learn how to use it to keep track of your money for less than 5 minutes [...]

Budgeting 101 - Look after your money (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Budgeting 101 - Look after your money (Skillshare)
Free Course
In this class, you'll learn budgeting 101 basics and how to create your first budget and how this can help with your finances. Creating a budget can be fun and is a valuable way to better understand your finances.

How to Save Money: Making Smart Financial Decisions (edX)

No sessions available
How to Save Money: Making Smart Financial Decisions (edX)
Course Auditing
Maximize your money by making the right choices in everything from mortgages, to credit cards, insurance, stocks, and retirement savings. You will learn the basics of personal finance. How to balance spending and saving; which debts to pay first, what insurance you need and don’t need, how to invest [...]