Rebecca G. Williams

Rebecca is a core member of the research team at the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research (JHCGPR) at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. The majority of her work is central to gun violence prevention research translation and as part of her role, Rebecca is responsible for managing the design and development of open education initiatives. Prior to the development of this Teach-Out, Rebecca managed the design and development of the first-ever massive open online course (MOOC) on gun violence on behalf of the JHCGPR featuring contributions from 24 of the nation’s top scholars from across the country. Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change launched on Coursera in May 2018. As part of a team comprised of JHCGPR Deputy Director and subject matter expert, Dr. Cassandra Crifasi, and a Production Designer from the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Teaching and Learning, Rebecca were invited to attend the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation’s 2019 Teach-Out Academy. Rebecca serves as Teach-Out Program Manager for this inaugural Johns Hopkins University Teach-Out. Rebecca has a strong background in community-based participatory research through which she has worked alongside communities of color as well as with children and families with special health care needs to create systemic change for equitable health outcomes. Her research interests include correctional health care reform, nature-based violence interventions, interactive pedagogical models to advance gun violence prevention advocacy, and how counterproductive gender norms influence male development. Rebecca earned her BS in Health and Wellness Promotion and BA in Interdisciplinary Studies summa cum laude from the University of North Carolina at Asheville in 2014 and her MSPH in Health Policy and Management from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2019.

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Firearm Purchaser Licensing Teach-Out: The Background Check Policy Not Enough People Are Talking About (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Firearm Purchaser Licensing Teach-Out: The Background Check Policy Not Enough People Are Talking About (Coursera)
Free Course
The best available evidence shows that comprehensive background checks by themselves are insufficient at reducing gun violence, but strong bodies of research demonstrate that states with comprehensive background checks coupled with firearm purchaser licensing, or permit-to-purchase laws, have significantly fewer firearm-involved homicides, fatal mass shootings, and suicides. Additionally, public [...]