Ramin Soleymani-Fard

Ramin Soleymani (M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2010, University of Hannover) is the software engineer in the LICCI team at ICTA-UAB. He has worked in research on developing planning strategies for wireless sensor networks, as a Creative Technologist and as a freelance software developer, educator, and artistic researcher. He has been a community organizer for a digital art community in Berlin and in Barcelona. He was also an initiator and co-organizer of Science Hack Day Berlin, a community-run Hackathon for Citizen Science and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Science. Within the LICCI project he is in charge of developing the citizen science platform.

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Climate change and Indigenous People and local communities (Coursera)

Climate change is a global phenomenon, but its impacts vary among different social groups, who perceive and adapt to climate change impacts in different ways. In this course, you will: a) understand the different debates around climate change impacts on Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLC); b) familiarize yourself [...]