Pablo Benitez

Pablo Benitez is a Senior Economist working with the Climate Change Practice of the World Bank Institute. He specializes in carbon markets, low carbon development, climate change and cities, and REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).
He joined the World Bank from Marbek Resource Consultants in Canada where he served as Chief Economist and led a variety of environmental economic analysis projects for government and private sector clients. Previously, he worked as an economist for the Ministry of Environment of British Columbia, the International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA) in Austria, the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation in Ecuador.
Pablo holds a PhD degree from Wageningen University (The Netherlands) in Environmental Economics. He has an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications on climate change and was a lead author of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. In the past, he was also Senior Lecturer of Environmental Economics at the University of Victoria and Carleton University.
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Bajemos la temperatura: De la ciencia climática a la acción (Coursera)

Este MOOC orientado a la acción le brindará la oportunidad de conocer los efectos del cambio climático a escala regional y las estrategias sectoriales específicas utilizadas para aumentar la resiliencia y avanzar hacia un futuro con bajas emisiones de carbono.