Jonathan Davidson

Dr Jonathan Davidson works at the University of Canterbury in the role of Remote/Distance Lab Engineer. Jonathan has a PhD in Geology; his recent passion has been exploring and pushing the boundaries on the way we teach and learn, with particular interest in the subject of Earth sciences. Jonathan helps designs and create innovative teaching tools with the aim of making them easy to use, pleasant to look at and, most of all, fun! Over the years, Jonathan has loved supervising post-graduate students in Earth Education, and not only because he gets to use them as guinea pigs for his projects! His driving force is the idea that his work is helping students to finally understand complex concepts that are often difficult to grasp using traditional teaching methods (in other words, providing them with that "ahhhh I get it" moment after hours of frustration.)

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Volcanic hazards (edX)

In this course, we will take you on an interactive tour around Icelandic volcanoes where we will be talking to experts on location, digging holes to discover past eruptions, and hearing amazing stories of survival. We will discuss how to better manage volcanic hazards, using examples of volcanoes in [...]

Volcanology field science and society (edX)

In this introductory course, you will use interactive technologies to learn the science of how volcanoes work and the skills of a field volcanologist. You will explore the intersection of field volcanology and society, by looking into cultural perspectives of volcanoes, hazard mapping and communication using examples in Aotearoa [...]