Jean-Marc Biquet

Jean-Marc Biquet coordinates CERAH diplomas including the course Communication, Advocacy and Negotiation for Humanitarian Action and is leader of the Thematic Seminar Advocacy for Humanitarian Projects in Health. He has worked in humanitarian aid since 1993, mainly with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and has had a wide range of experiences, from his initial work in the field (Iraq, DRC, Sierra Leone, Former Yugoslavia), as Programme Manager (1996-1999 and 2003-2006) to current contributions to the Reflection Unit on Humanitarian Stakes and Practices for MSF-Switzerland. He is currently working on issues such as medical work in detention centres, management of serious adverse events in medical project , the relationship between the military and humanitarian professionals. In addition to holding degrees in Journalism and Political Science (Catholic University of Louvain), Jean-Marc has a master's degree in Political Sciences (University of Lyon III. Dissertation on Accountability Towards Beneficiaries).

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