Jamie Johnson

Jamie's research explores the politics and ethics of violence within the context of the 'war on terror', specifically the varied international interventions in Afghanistan. He is particularly interested in how the narratives of the human, humane and humanitarian function to enable, excuse and obscure particular forms of violence.
Drawing on critical theoretical approaches to international politics - specifically, post-structuralism, feminism and post-colonialism – his research also explores the implications of the increasingly interdependent agendas of security and development.
Jamie's current research projects focus on:
The evolution of the U.S. way of war from the revolution in military affairs (RMA) to counter-insurgency;
The security-development nexus, specifically the role of education in fostering peace within a 'post-conflict' Afghanistan.
More info: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/government-society/departments/poli…

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