Filipp Rukhovich

Honored coach of Moscow Open Trainings Methodologist of the of the MIPT Olympiad Schools Department of Informatics Twice medalist and winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics MIPT Opened Olympiad Winner Four-time Medalist of the ACM ICPC Pre-Finals KPI Open 2013 Winner Winner of the Open Programming Championship in Grodno ACM ICPC 2014 and Russian Code Cup 2014 Finalist

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Competitive Programming for Beginners (Coursera)

This online course will help you to join the world of competitive programming and even become worldwide competitions participant! The course includes theoretical and practical aspects that are necessary to solve problems of any difficulties. After this course, you will learn what types of problems you will have to [...]

С/C++ for competitive programming (Coursera)

C and C++ are the most popular programming languages in competitive programming, the most convenient and frequently used in competitions. The «C/C++ for competitive programming» online course will introduce the basic concepts of the language, such as variables, data types, conditionals, loops, functions, and [...]